Wednesday, May 18, 2022 by S.D. Wells
It’s called nicotine replacement therapy, but is it that? How many millions of people around the world are simply replacing one horrible nicotine addiction with another, when they switch to the nicotine gum from cigarettes, chew, dip, patches or vape? Nicotine gum is a $5 billion dollar market worldwide, and some leading manufacturers include pharma giants GSK and Johnson & Johnson (surprise, surprise). Guess who else sells it? Philip Morris International. Yes, Big Tobacco gets you coming and going. It’s all just a scam to keep you addicted to nicotine, the world’s third-most-addictive drug.
Nicotine gum is sold over the counter as a smoking cessation product, but what good is it if you remain addicted to nicotine forever and pollute your body with other chemicals that cause massive health detriment over time? It’s horrible. You see, some people who quit smoking and switch to nicotine gum use it for years, even decades. They’re addicted to the nicotine and are constantly consuming artificial sweeteners that cause a whole laundry list of health detriment.
Want some over-the-counter (OTC) nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) that still restricts blood flow, oxygen flow, nutrient flow while causing hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance? That’s most brands of nicotine gum for you. Sold in almost every convenience store, tobacco shop, drug store and Amazon, nic gum comes in many different strengths, but namely 2mg and 4mg of highly addictive nicotine.
The 2 mg dose is for people who smoked about a pack a day or less, and 4mg for those who smoked more. Research reveals that long-term nicotine gum use is linked to insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia, the latter of which means the insulin in your blood is too high, an event often associated with Type 2 diabetes.
Though many people think the chemicals in cigarettes do much damage to their body, little do they know that nicotine is the MAJOR constituent that leads to cardiovascular morbidity, insulin resistance syndrome (IRS) and other metabolic abnormalities. That’s why nicotine gum is supposed to be temporary and limited therapy, but most people can’t ever seem to quit it.
So much for “smoke free” nicotine being a safer choice or even a temporary relief from the deadly habit of smoking. Most nicotine gum products contain health-damaging artificial ingredients, not just nicotine. Check your nicotine gum for artificial sweeteners that cause major health detriment, including aspartame, sucralose and acesulfame K. An in-depth research study from just 18 months ago (December, 2020) revealed that a popular ingredient in nicotine gum, acesulfame K, induces E. coli growth in the gut (Escherichia coli K-12).
We all know what important roles gut microbes play in maintaining good health, and now we find out that artificial sweeteners found in most nicotine gum products adversely affect gut microbes. Surely Big Pharma knows this, including the companies that make and sell the NRT products. It gets worse. Artificial sweeteners, through several studies over the past few years, are found to be associated with psychotic conditions, hearing loss, headaches, cancer and obesity.
That means the artificial ingredients in nicotine gums are causing physiological and psychological abnormalities in their hosts. That means ex-smokers who are “celebrating” having quit cigarettes, but who are still addicted to nicotine gum, are living in a world of hurt that not even medical doctors are warning them about. Go figure.
People addicted to nicotine gum (or patches) might be happy to find out there’s a product on the market that boosts dopamine production naturally and does not contain any nicotine or artificial ingredients of any kind. The natural nicotine alternative Krave Kicker is a superfood and supplement combination beverage sold as a liquid “shot” that helps people wean themselves off nicotine gum, nicotine patches, cigarettes and vape.
Tune your internet dial to StopSmoking.news for new ways to remove nicotine from your life for good.
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Tagged Under: Tags: acesulfame K, addiction, artificial sweeteners, aspartame, badhealth, badmedicine, badscience, Dangerous Medicine, diabetes, gut health, krave kicker, nicotine, nicotine addiction, nicotine gum, NRT, products, research, sucralose, toxic ingredients
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