Thorough hand washing practices in all healthcare facilities, such as nursing homes, can prolong life and reduce prescription drug use, …
The lighting condition in your room affects your brain. Being exposed to bright light boosts memory and learning, according to …
A study published in the Jyväskylä Studies in Business and Economics series found that children who are physically active are …
Water pollution is on the rise globally. However, available methods that destroy pollutants in water use expensive and complex high-power lasers. …
If your partner is attending a slimming class or adhering to a weight loss diet, you are probably losing some …
Pigeons may be seen as a burden in urban areas because of their unhygienic habits. Contrary to this, experts believe …
A study has found that deafness is a common side effect of heart surgery for infants, with a 20 times …
The extracts of the traditional African plant known as Ficus asperifolia have been found to potentially treat androgen deficiency, a …
Planning to stay up all night? You may want to reconsider. New research found that staying up throughout the night …
Playing video games is not bad for you, as long as it is in moderation. In fact, one hour of …